We all know that chemicals can be found in the foods we eat, the cosmetics we use, and even everyday household items. But what's tricky is that companies often hide these chemicals or use words like "natural" or "all natural" without any real regulations. This can make it tough for health-conscious parents like us to find truly safe products for our kids, products that don't contain harmful ingredients. As busy parents, we don't have the time to decode confusing ingredient lists.
So, I've come up with these quick and easy tips to help us quickly decide whether a product is safe for our kids.
Tip #5 - Look for Certifications
Navigating a market filled with toxic ingredients can be overwhelming. It becomes even harder when companies aren't completely honest about their products. One easy way to cut through the confusion is by choosing products that have third-party certifications. These certifications prove that companies meet specific standards for quality and safety. They assure us that products have passed tests to make sure they're safe for our kids.
Tip #4 - Use Rating Apps
Our world is filled with toxic stuff, but that doesn't mean we have to bring those harmful chemicals into our homes. The FDA doesn't check products before they're sold, and companies don't always disclose all their ingredients. Luckily, there are some fantastic mobile apps that have done the hard work for us. These apps help us identify harmful chemicals, toxic ingredients, and suggest safe, non-toxic alternatives. Here are a few of my favorites:
- EWG Healthy Living: This app rates products on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being safe and 10 being not safe. It also provides info about what's in the product and suggests safer options.
- Think Dirty: This app is super easy to use. Just type in the product's name or scan its barcode, and it gives you a rating from 0 (safe) to 10 (not safe). You'll get info about the product, its ingredients, and even suggestions for safer alternatives.
- Yuka: Originally from France but now catching on in the US, Yuka lets you scan barcodes on food and cosmetics. It quickly gives you a color-coded score from green (safe) to red (not safe). The best part is that you can tap on the rating to see why it got that score, complete with links to scientific research. The app also suggests safer product alternatives.
Tip #3 - Less Is More
When it comes to choosing products for your kids, shorter ingredient lists are usually better. This applies to both food and skincare. Shorter lists mean you have more control over what you're putting on your kids' skin, with fewer chances of harmful fillers, toxins, or allergens.
As consumers, we should demand transparency from product labels. Look beyond the product's claims and check if it has a complete list of ingredients. Make sure the ingredient descriptions are in plain English and backed by certifications.
Tip #2 - Avoid Synthetic Fragrances
Synthetic fragrances can be linked to health risks. They're used in many makeup and personal care products. The problem is, companies often hide these fragrances by simply using the word "fragrance" or "parfum" on the label. The FDA doesn't require companies to disclose these hidden chemicals. That's why it's important to avoid products with these mystery fragrances.
A safer option is products with natural scents or fragrances made from 100% natural sources. But be sure to check that the ingredient list is fully disclosed to avoid any hidden toxic chemicals.
Tip #1 - Say No to Artificial Dyes
Artificial colors may look fun, but they're not great for your kids. These synthetic colors can be found in food and personal care products. If you can only follow one tip from this list, make it this one. It's easy to spot these dyes on labels, and avoiding them can have a big impact on your kids' health.
Food dyes have been banned in the EU for safety concerns, so it's time to avoid them in your kids' products too.
These artificial dyes aren't just in our food but also in many skincare and body products like makeup, shampoos, lotions, soaps, toothpaste, and mouthwash. Let's work together to keep our kids safe and healthy.
Your child's well-being is your top priority, and these simple tips can help you make informed choices and protect their precious skin and overall health. Make sure you teach your kids why you're making these healthy choices, and one day, sooner than you might expect, they will be making these decisions on their own.
When I created Jovy's Berry Bliss makeup kit, I wanted to offer parents complete peace of mind and made sure I tackled each one of the items in this list. As a result, we are proud to be the only play makeup brand in the market that's clean-verified, following the rigorous EWG safety guidelines. Our products are free from harmful synthetic colors, and our 100% naturally derived aroma comes with fully disclosed ingredients. We can confidently say we're the only ones offering this level of transparency and safety. You can now let your kids explore their creativity and self-expression worry-free, knowing that our products are proven to be good, clean and fun!